Bamboo: 10 string guitar polyrhythms

Title: Chemical Love story
Artist: Bamboo
Album: Final Exit
Circle: XOTIC
Original: Hartmann's Youkai Girl

The song is 7 / 8, 6 / 8, 5 / 4, because it contains a polyrhythmic
It is difficult songs like Dream Theater.

# Special Thanks
Yosiharu friend brought me the camcorder's picture
Helped. I'm feeling much better image.
Then, also thanks to everyone supporting us!
This song included 7/8,6/8,5/4,porlyrhythm
So difficult tune as Dream theater.

#Special tahnks
My friend Yosiharu the"12string" guitarist.
This video was shoted by his video cam.
・ ・ ・ Andv you!

Chemical Love story ver1.1 Youtube version

"Zodiac" Playing on 10string guitar.
