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Marcos De Ros,Guglielmo Malusardi: the guitar9 meeting of minds

Guglielmo Malusardi: So Marcos, introduce yourself to the G9 readers.
Marcos De Ros: OK, my name is Marcos, but all my friends call me by my last name, De Ros. I'm a 39-year-old Brazilian guitar player and it's an honor to talk with you!
I started to play at 9, and when I was 11, I bought my first guitar (Brazilian-made, not so bad). Then I start to play with my first band, "Garganthuae".
A little later I started taking violin lessons and at 15, I joined the Symphonic Orchestra of my city, Caxias do Sul. After a few years, I choose to play just one instrument, and guitar won! I don't know where my violin is - I believe it's under my bed, but I'm not sure (laughs)!
Guglielmo Malusardi: In 1991, you teamed up with bass player Fabio Alves and drummer Sandro Stecanela.
Marcos De Ros: With Fabio and Sandro I started an instrumental rock trio with the creative name "De Ros"! (laughs) With this power-trio, we recorded "Ad Dei Gloriam" (1994), a CD with lots of humor and some nice songs and later, "Universe" (1997), where you can hear some very different influences, from Indian music ("Para-Bhatki") and jazz-fusion ("Stressing Out"). Of course, there's a lot of instrumental prog-metal there! more:
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