Takashi Katsunori,Tristan Zemtseff: Cyclamen - 百折不撓 (Hyakusetsu-Futou) ft. Travis Orbin

百折不撓 (Hyakusetsu-Futou) by Cyclamen (http://www.facebook.com/thiscyclamen)
Directed by Atsuki Taketo(Rib Films/takepoint -https://www.facebook.com/ribfilms).

"Everything was recorded using microphones and no simulation, line recording or pitch correction was used, with the very minimal editing. Most parts are recorded with one take.

In other words, these recordings are the truest to our live performance we've ever come to."

Humanise EP, coming soon!

Vocals - Hayato Imanishi
Guitar - Takashi Katsunori
Guitar - Tristan Zemtseff
Bass - Hiroshi Mizuno
Drums - Aled Lloyd

2nd album "Ashura" FREE DOWNLOAD from Bandcamp:

Cyclamen - 百折不撓 (Hyakusetsu-Futou) ft. Travis Orbin
