Naia Izumi, Taylor Mansfield, Kynwyn Sterling: Utena - ウテナ Los Angeles Math rock Trio set sail!

Genre: Indie / Math rock / Alternative

Band Members
Naia Izumi
Taylor Mansfield
Kynwyn Sterling

Home Town: Los Angeles

Utena is three unique musicians combined into one creative, driving force of original music. Consistently finding one another on various virtual web forums for music, we decided to meet up and jam together for the first time in February 2016. Our individual passions for intricate, well-crafted music made us blend right away, so now we are launching this band of three women to the world of music! Utena's sounds create a new, bold, expressive voice in a world that could use more innovators. We are sharing our music to this world and beyond, and invite you to come out on the edge with us!

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