Morgan Thomaso: Visenya — Revelation - Playthrough - Mayones Regius VF7 & Duvell 7

Visenya — Revelation - Playthrough by Morgan Thomaso

"After 2 years playing exclusively on a Mayones and having tried many ones I can tell that the guitars are absolutely flawless and top notch wooden instruments!
They play and feel amazingly well, looks awesome and sound insanely good for any kind of music. My standards for guitars in general are getting really high after having 2 mayones guitars at home.
My custom Regius is by far the best instrument I’ve ever had, I’m using it with all my bands/projects and I’m always mindblown by the quality and the sound."
Morgan Thomaso (Visenya, ARIS, Cartoon Theory)

• Morgan Thomaso plays Mayones Regius VF 7 Custom and Mayones Duvell 7

• Visit Morgan Thomaso Mayones Artist Page

• For more information about Morgan Thomaso visit his websites:

Morgan Thomaso: Visenya — Revelation - Playthrough - Mayones Regius VF7 & Duvell 7
