New documentary music video is based on high-speed heavy metal BPM250-Over in its debut mini album dubbed “Iron Hammer Alternative” (Tettsui no alternative).
Frequent 8th-note drum-roll-kicks accelerate music!
Do you think it’s a typical speed-metal music?
No! Its rhythmical and flashy guitar-ref and vocal line create unique new sounds!
Also, the guitar solo playing is something that you can’t miss! – The player challenges the highly-technical phrases throughout this music.
That’s the latest documentary music video with “Struggle-Lover” music!
CD収録曲<: br> 1.23 -twenty three-
2.Lightning Speed
3.E.I.B<.br> 4.Steel 6 –the strong gage-
5.Struggle Lover
6.Twin Flavor
7.Hate A Fate
参加ギタリスト<: br> Warren DeMartini(ex RATT)
Doug Aldrich(ex Lion、Whitesnake、Burning Rain)
George Lynch(ex Dokken、The End Machine)
Experience IRONBUNNY's “FUTURE METAL”! The movie is an event commemorating the release of “IRONBUNNY-Tetsuwan Alternative-” held on September 3rd at Tower Records Shibuya B1F “CUTUP STUDIO”. [Product information] "IRONBUNNY-Tetsuwan no alternative-" August 28, 2019 (Wednesday) NOW ON SALE !!-1 CD set (7 songs included): ¥ 2,200 (+ tax)-Participated guitarist: Warren DeMartini (ex RATT), Doug Aldrich (ex Lion, Whitesnake, Burning Rain), George Lynch (ex Dokken, The End Machine)
Struggle Lover Live M.V. official IRONBUNNY
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