= In This Episode: =
One of the most gracious and kind musicians in the business, Billy Sheehan makes his return to the show, becoming a fan favourite recurring guest.
Amongst many things, Billy will share some of the new things he's got cooking (speaking of cooking, we'll maybe try and get some cuisine tips for us to try while we're stuck at home) Billy is known to make some incredible dishes in the kitchen. (Is there anything he can't do?)
I'm sure if we twist Billy's arm gently we made get a riff or 2 or 3 out of him. We'll discuss the cancellation of not on the Sons Of Apollo tour, but many/all tours.
All fun stuff aside, we'll see how him and his family are doing and try and bring you some great entertainment for 90 minutes while you are stuck (safely) at home.
Follow Billy:
• http://www.billysheehan.com/
The Helix Hour S4E11 Yamaha/Line 6 Artist Billy Sheehan
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