LUN: The Only Way Out Instrumental Playthrough

After waiting what seems like an eternity, #RESPAWNRecruits is back and this is our submission for this year's competition. Our bassist, Brett participated in #RESPAWNRecruits last year and since he joined the band he's been thinking of ideas on how to integrate our music into a content creation space and participating in #RESPAWNRecruits this year as the band is the result of those ideas.

In the content creation space, you don't often see a lot of full bands getting attention and it's typically only a member or two of a group that does. We think more bands should push to put out great content with how accessible potential fans are these days. Whether it be original songs, covers, or even other interests such as gaming and visual entertainment, we believe in creating our own algorithm because everyone has more than just one interest and we'd like to highlight that with our music and our content!

2022 has been a great year for us and we can't wait to see what we can do with the rest of it!


LUN - The Only Way Out Instrumental Playthrough #respawnrecruits submission
